Not all wrinkles are created equal. They look different, they appear in different places, they’re caused by different things and they respond differently to treatments.1The good news is, once you understand their differences, they’re a lot easier to treat -some may even be preventable. Let’s take a closer look at the 4 different types of wrinkles and their distinct characteristics on specific areas of the skin.
Crinkle Lines
What are they?
Also known as atrophic crinkling rhytids, or perhaps more commonly known as the dreaded “eleven’s”. These wrinkles happen as the epidermal and dermal layers of skin loses thickness.2
What do they look like?
Crinkle lines are relatively shallow and run in parallel to each other, often on the forehead or anywhere on your body (ie. think the chest), and disappear almost completely when the skin is stretched.3
What’s the main culprit?
Age. As time goes on, we all lose collagen and our sebaceous (oil) production slows down in the glands and these wrinkles become a permanent fixture. Another culprit? The sun. Unfortunately the one thing that helps us in so many ways, is also the thing that can cause damage if over-used. UV exposure releases free radicals (elastin’s greatest nemesis) in our skin collagen,breaking down the skin’s ability to hold firmness and structure.4
Permanent Elastotic Creases
What are they?
These are the ones that end up becoming permanent fixtures in our lives. They become increasingly apparent as time goes on due sun exposure and the natural loss of collagen that comes with age. 5
What do they look like?
Characterized by deep lines in the skin, these wrinklestend to show up where the skin creases naturally, such as the base of the neck, the lips, and the cheeks.
What’s the main culprit?
Sun exposure and smoking. We already know the sun contributes to all wrinkles but smoking makes this type even worse. It deepens those creases and exposes the skin to a myriad of chemicals and carcinogens (which exacerbate skin damage and inhibit healthy cell growth).6
Dynamic Expression Lines
What are they?
These are the life lines caused by habitual facial expressions, as well as the skin’s loss of elasticity as we age.
What do they look like?
These typically show up around the eye area (think crow’s feet), mouth and forehead. The good news is, these types of wrinkles are some of the easiest to treat.7
What’s the main culprit?
Living life. These are your laugh lines, your frown lines, your squinting at the sun lines. These are the lines that are pretty much unavoidable but a little more acceptable (especially if you’ve laughed a lot in your life).
Gravitational Folds
What are they?
Another unavoidable, this one has to do with gravity as the name suggests. As we age, skin loses firmness and begins to sag, separating itself from the underlying fat and muscle.8
What do they look like?
Deep lines or folds most commonly apparent in the neck, chin, and jowls. They can also be seen in the drooping of the upper eyelids or the lines that run vertically on either side of the chin.
What’s the main culprit?
Gravity (no surprises here). And as we know all too well, the only way to take gravity on, is to take preventative measures.
Luckily, There Are Solutions
First things first, get ahead of the game. Start taking preventative measures to mitigate the inevitable (or at least slow it down as much as humanly possible). Here’s how:
Anti-aging products – But not just any products, the right products. To truly combat wrinkles, you need the antioxidant power of Vitamins E & C that help hydrate the skin and bolster its UV defenses. The Riversol Anti-Aging Trio includes these ingredients and other powerful antioxidants like Beta –T, a skin rejuvenator that reduces the appearance of discolouration and dark spots.
Avoid the sun (as much as possible)– up to 90% of skin aging is caused by sun exposure9, but we get it,it’s not the easiest or most desirable option. However, managing your exposure will certainly help. For all other times, make sure you’re wearing a really good SPF (see below).
Wear a really good SPF – You need broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and you’re only going to get that from a quality product, like Riversol 30 SPF. Use a lot and use it often - you should be reapplying every 1-2 hours if you’re out in the direct sun, swimming or sweating a lot.
As with anything related to the skin, we recommend speaking with a professional dermatologist to determine exactly what type of wrinkles you have, so you can determine the best possible treatment options available.
- Gérald E Piérard, Isabelle Uhoda, Claudine Piérard-Franchimont (2004) From skin microrelief to wrinkle. An area ripe for investigation. Retrieved from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1473-2130.2003.00012.x
- Anca O. Dragomirescu, Mihaila Andoni, Daniella Ionescu and Felicia Andrei (2014) The Efficiency and Safety of Leuphasyl – A Botox-Like Peptide. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9284/1/2/75/htm
- P. Quatresooz, L. Thirion, C. Piérard-Franchimont, G.E. Piérard (2006) The riddle of genuine skin microrelief and wrinkles. Retrieved from:
- Sony Sherpa MD (2019) Wrinkles: Evaluating Types and Treatment Options. Retrieved from: https://www.gilmorehealth.com/wrinkles/
- Eur J Dermatol (2002) Skin ageing: clinical and histopathologic study of permanent and reducible wrinkles. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11978565
- Khalifa E. Sharquie, Jamal R. Al-Rawi, Maqsood M. Aljumaily (2013) Association between smoking and facial wrinkling in relation with age and sex. Retrieved from: https://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=article&aId=85063
- Hournal of Dermatological Treatment (V. 24, 2014 Issue 4) Confirmed efficacy of topical nifedipine in the treatment of facial wrinkles. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/09546634.2013.802759
- Goesel Anson, MD, FACS, Michael A.C. Kane, MD, Val Lambros, MD, FACS (2016) Sleep Wrinkles: Facial Aging and Facial Distortion During Sleep. Retrieved from: https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/36/8/931/2613967
- Arielle Grabel (2019) Photoaging: What You Need to Know About the Other Kind of Aging. Retrieved from: https://www.skincancer.org/blog/photoaging-what-you-need-to-know/