Never run low on Riversol again. Shop your favourites and get perks like free gifts, points, or more savings on every shipment.
Change or cancel your delivery schedule anytime.
Never run low on Riversol again. Shop your favourites and get perks like free gifts, points, or more savings on every shipment.
Change or cancel your delivery schedule anytime.
Create a Riversol account to start earning points automatically with every purchase
Choose the "Auto-replenish and save" option on the product page.
Select delivery frequency. You'll get +100 points on your 1st order!
Get deals on every auto-replenishment delivery! You'll get an email confirmation before every shipment.
Look forward to perks every delivery including free gifts, savings, extra points, and more.
7 days before each Auto-Replenishment delivery, you'll get an email reminding you about your upcoming order. You're in charge, you can cancel, skip or modify future orders at any time.
You're only ever charged for one shipment at a time, we'll never ask you to pay for several orders up front.
Yes, there are no strings attached! You can cancel or change your schedule at any time on your account page, or contact us.
Riversol's Auto-Replenishment Service is the most convenient way to get your favourite products automatically delivered on your schedule.
To get started, look for the "Auto-replenish and save" option on the product page and select how often you want your products to be delivered.
Save 10% on all auto-replenishment items after the initial order. 7 days before each scheduled Riversol Auto-Replenishment delivery, you'll get an email reminding you about your upcoming order.
At any time if you're not ready for your next shipment, you'll have an option to skip it, edit your delivery schedule, or cancel the service all together.
Yes, there are no strings attached! You can cancel or change your schedule at any time on your account page, or just contact us and we'll handle it.
7 days before each auto-replenishment delivery, you'll get an email reminding you about your upcoming order. You can cancel or modify future orders at any time. Please make any changes 24 hours before your next scheduled order to ensure we've received your changes.
Cancel an auto-replenishment plan
You can cancel at anytime! To cancel, login to your account and click the "Manage Auto-Replenishments" button. Here, you can find the Auto-Replenishment you'd like to cancel and click the "Cancel Auto-Replenishment" button. You can also resume receiving deliveries for that auto-replenishment at any time on this page.
Skip an upcoming delivery
If a shipment is coming before you're ready for it, but you'd still like to receive other shipments in the future, you can skip your next order. To do so, please visit 'Your Auto-Replenishment' on your account page. Click "Manage Auto-Replenishments" and find the product you would like to skip. Click the "See More Details" button, then click the 'Skip Order' button below the upcoming order date.
Change delivery frequency
On your account page, click "Manage Auto-Replenishments" and find the product you'd like to update. Click the "See More Details" button. To edit your frequency, click "Edit Frequency" to the right of your delivery frequency.
Change payment details
You can change your payment method by logging into your account and clicking the "Manage Auto-Replenishments" button. Once here, click the "See More Details" button of the auto-replenishment you want to update. Then, click "Edit" to the right of your Payment Details. You'll receive an email allowing you to securely update your method of payment for your auto-replenishment.
For now, we've limited our Auto-Replenishment Service to our bestsellers. As our program expands, we'll add more products.
Your order will be sent to the most recent address on file. If you've moved since your last order, you can edit your address here on your account page.
You can change your payment method by logging into your account and clicking the "Manage Deliveries" button. Once here, find the auto-replenishment you want to update and click "Edit" to the right of your Payment Details. You'll receive an email allowing you to securely update the method of payment for your auto-replenishment.
You'll never be charged for more than one shipment at once, we use a pay-as-you-go plan. You'll only be charged once your auto-replenishment order is confirmed.
Unfortunately, discount codes only apply to the first order. However, you automatically get 10% off every shipment after your 1st auto-replenished order! We also offer different perks ranging from free products to more discounts and more on auto-delivered products.