Images of seemingly perfect, ageless skin have led to unrealistic expectations and a fixation on physical appearance. From a young age, we’ve experienced the pressure to maintain an idyllic, youthful appearance by society’s standards, which is why people can be so uneasy about aging.

We Asked, You Answered
We recently surveyed more than 3000 customers to find out how they truly feel about their necks. The results, though not surprising, reveal that society still needs to work on destigmatizing aging. There is a lack of awareness about what constitutes normal, healthy aging skin as well as a general lack of knowledge about how to care for the different skin on our faces and necks.

Our survey also revealed that our customers have tried every type of treatment to take care of their changing necklines. From drinking more water, massages, facial yoga, diet and weight loss, to chemical peels, collagen supplements, micro-needling, laser treatments and even cosmetic surgery, the adults we surveyed have tried these (and other) regimens with varying levels of success. Still, 44.3% still feel insecure enough to cover up with turtlenecks or scarves.

Aging Is For Everyone
Though women are often thought of as having more insecurities than men, this survey revealed that men, non-binary and transgender individuals are also self-conscious about their necks and skin as they age. The neck is often one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging, and this can lead to feelings of insecurity or dissatisfaction with one's appearance, so it’s not just reserved for women.

Neck insecurities are similar amongst everyone, but there are still some differences in the specific concerns. For instance, societal expectations and cultural norms usually place more emphasis on a youthful appearance for women, while a more rugged, mature appearance may be seen as desirable for men.
What’s In A Name?
We also found that many people have nicknames for their necks. These lighthearted terms of endearment help us minimize the impact our aging neck skin has on us. Plus, who doesn’t love a good nickname?
Do you have a nickname for your neck that’s not on this list? Share it in the comments or tag us on social media to join the conversation.

Aging Is Just Another Word for Living
Aging is a natural process and embracing our aging necks can be a challenge. The neck is often one of the first areas of our bodies to show signs of aging since it’s often overlooked in our daily skincare routines. Yet, accepting and embracing the signs of aging can be a liberating experience that helps us feel more confident in our own skin (literally).
Our necks can make us feel insecure about our appearance but it's important to accept that our physical appearance reflects our life experiences. Make sure to take care of your skin and neck with treatments, creams, and serums specifically designed to target signs of aging. And maybe come up with a fun nickname for the parts of your body to make it a little more… fun!

About the survey
Riversol surveyed more than 3000 customers in December 2022 about their necks. Here are the demographics: